From Simple Mix to Art: The Cocktail History

The Dawn of Cocktails The term “cocktail” has its roots deep within the 19th century, though the actual origins remain a mystery. Some historians speculate the name derived from the French term “coquetier,” which was a vessel used to serve spirited drinks. Meanwhile, others suggest it is related to the practice of using a cock’s […]

Sipping with Digital Ease

Top Cocktail Bars in Online Casinos Online casinos have evolved into not just places for betting and playing card games but have turned into complete entertainment hubs. Virtual experiences are continuously refined to give users the most realistic and delightful moments online. One such enhancement is the integration of cocktail bars, making the gambling experience […]

What you need to know if you want to open a pub

Opening a pub is an exciting and rewarding journey. It may seem daunting at first, but with the right tools and knowledge you can make it a successful endeavor. To start, be sure to reflect on what kind of pub you would like to open. Once you have a particular style in mind, do research […]

Ways to Improve Bar Customer Service

Customers are the lifeblood of any bar business. Without them, bars would not generate revenue and would eventually have to close their doors. That is why it is so important to deliver excellent customer service at all times. Doing so will result in customers returning time and again, which is vital for your bar’s long-term […]

How to Find New Ideas for Your Writing when drinking cocktails

If you feel stuck in a writing rut, or you just want to improve your writing, here are some tips to help you come up with new ideas. Pay attention to your surroundings. Look for interesting stories or facts in the news, on social media, or in everyday life. Read writers’ work. Not only will […]

7 cocktail recipes with tonics

We decided to focus on combinations with tonics because they are inextricably linked to the preparation of cocktails, available, and allow you to easily experiment with flavors without going broke on the home bar. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is the gin tonic, which is now the best-selling cocktail in establishments […]

How to make a cocktail at home

The history of cocktails goes back less than 200 years. According to Jeremiah P. Thomas (1830-1885) How to Mix Drinks or The Bon Vivant’s Companion (1862), in the middle of the 19th century cocktails were a mixture of hard liquor, sugar, water and bitter, only later were low-alcohol ingredients added. Jerry Thomas’s book played an […]

Science of sweetness

Sugar has always been an element of cocktail culture. Part of the earliest definitions of a cocktail, it adds the necessary depth to flavor, texture and balance to drinks. And this is not just speculation: sweetness is one of the five basic flavors. Moreover, the enjoyment of sweets in humans is genetically determined. Before the […]